At Eikerapen Gjestegard, we take the environment and our common future seriously. Our environmentally conscious customers can stay with us with a clear conscience. We want to preserve and bring to life our long and exciting history, while doing our best to take care of the environment and nature around us. Eikerapen Gjestegard is Eco-lighthouse certified. We now have visible proof that we take responsibility, and a concrete tool for working continuously with environmental improvements and green change.

Eikerapen Gjestegard lies in Åseral with the mountains and lakes as our nearest neighbours. That means that we must be careful – and take care of nature as well as we can. We ask all of our visitors to be conscious not to leave rubbish and to pick up any rubbish you find on your trip. You can obtain rubbish bags from the reception.
Eikerapen Gjestegard has clean water from a source up in the mountains. We take tests that are sent in to be analysed throughout the year – so you can be confident that the quality of the water is good. That means that you can drink water from the tap – you can’t have a more local product than that. Remember to take a bottle of water with you – you can fill up with as much clean water as you want.
Eikerapen Gjestegard asks our guests to use the towels more than just 1 day – and thereby minimise washing of towels which in turn reduces the use of energy, water and soap. We are very pleased that our guests support us in this practice.
We want a stop on the use of unnecessary plastic products – 15 tons of plastic ends up the ocean every minute. We cannot accept this any longer. We stopped using all unnecessary plastic products and ‘one-time’ products during 2021.
Our aim is to constantly increase the amount of rubbish that can be recycled in the coming years. We think about recycling every step of the way and increase the possibilities for sorting rubbish both for guests and the employees. We are also teaching the employees to think about the environment and to buy products that can be recycled.
We ask out guests to use public transport whenever possible. There is a bus service to/from Åseral most days during the summer season.
You must eat well at Eikerapen Gjestegard. That means you can help yourself to as much as you want at the breakfast buffet – so long as you eat up your food. Like the rest of the travel industry in Norway, we have high ambitions to reduce food-waste – both with the help of our guests and our employees.
At Eikerapen Gjestegard we believe in a pholosophy that recycling is a good thing in todays society, and mean that if something is whole and clean – it can still be used even though it may not be quite up-to-date style- wise. It is environmentally friendl